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Here Mini Mini Mini Mini Mini! My Grandchildren Can’t Wait To Meet You


Well, if all the rumors are true and Apple does release their iPad Mini on September 12th, then my Christmas shopping is a done deal.

Oh yes, each of my 3.5 grandchildren are under the age of 6, yet, when they come and visit me, they can’t wait to get their hands on their favorite toy – my iPad.

Well, I am done fighting with them. Sometimes, you just have to see the writing on the wall and understand where this whole technology craze is taking us and embrace it.

And, truth be told, I have been the biggest instigator in terms of turning my grandchildren into full-fledged geeks. Between the iPad and the AirPlay feature on my Apple TV 3 Unit, the day breezes by.

We explore the latest educational apps, stream videos to Apple TV via AirPlay and then wind down while watching iTunes-purchased musical theatre films on Apple TV.

But, nature-lovers, do not be alarmed. In between geeking time, I do make sure that these kiddies have outside time, where they can release their pent-up energy and act like energetic and fun-loving kids.

It’s all about the balance, correct?

But balance can mean so many things – like having a one-hour camp-out in the back yard tent with an iPad in hand to pass the time. Plus a walkie-talkie so we can fully communicate with the kids at all times. Talk about mixing the past with the present? It doesn’t get better than this.

So, Apple Mini – or whatever your name shall be – you shall be a huge success. Personally, the new iPad is perfect for me, but, for the children, the Mini is the way to go.

It’s lighter, more compact and small little fingers and keen little eyes can maneuver those shrunken apps with proficiency and dexterity.

So, if all goes as planned, I will be finished shopping for Christmas in September. How about you?