Monthly Archives: August 2013

You Are Never Too Old To Develop An App. Just Ask The FamApp Creators.

20130831-120449.jpgOkay – finally!! I found some more geeky grandparents.

And yet, these are not your ordinary geeky seniors. Oh no! This visionary couple has developed an intuitive app for the iPad – and soon Android and HTML5 as well – which they can use when connecting with their grandchildren living in other areas of the world.

I know – you are thinking: “Why not Skype and FaceTime”? That was my initial thought as well.

Well, herein lies the answer, via Mashable:

With six children and eight grandchildren spread across the country, Charlie and Maria Girsch were looking for a way to better communicate with their family. Long distance phone calls were pricey, and Skype wasn’t engaging enough. So the crafty grandparents developed their own solution: an iPad app.

Called FamZoom, the app encourages real-time family interaction in kid-friendly online hangout spaces where you can talk, play games, doodle, read, shop or have a video chat — all at the same time, together. Whatever happens on one device displays instantly on the other.

“It’s completely simultaneous,” Maria told Mashable. “When grandma moves a puzzle piece on her iPad, it moves on Johnny’s iPad.”

Oh yes, Charlie and Maria Girsch are my new geeky heroes! They are truly living life to the fullest, embracing and not running scared from all that technology can offer us at any age.

And, by developing the FamZoom App, they have created a beautiful legacy to leave to their grandchildren and their families. I cannot think of anything better. Can you?


This is the way to bridge the generation gap – just hop on the technological bandwagon and never look back.

Currently, FamZoom is awaiting approval from the App Store but Charlie and Maria have no doubt that this will receive hearty accolades from Apple. A mere formality!

And, once it is approved, I will add another topic here on GrannieTheGeek with a review and link to the App.

For the full interview – and it is a very interesting read – visit Mashable.Com and be inspired.

And, enjoy the sweet video of FamZoom’s creators, featured below.

Welcome To The Golden Era iPhone 5 S. I’ve Been Waiting For You.

20130819-145503.jpgPicture Credit: iMore.Com
Okay well this is exciting news for a slow Monday.

Apparently the next generation iPhone will have a new color option – gold!

Did they make this gold phone just for me? For the golden girls who like to geek their way through this phase in their life instead of cooking and baking and basically doing normal stuff?

I’d like to think so! It puts a smile on face when I do!

What started as a rumor over the weekend is pretty much fact, according to numerous credible tech sites such as iMore, AllTningsD and iPhoneInCanada.Ca.

Here is the scoop from AllThingsD:

“Sources in a position to know tell AllThingsD that Apple, after years of offering the iPhone in either black and white, will soon offer it in a gold tone, as well. Apple-news site iMore was first to break the news last Friday, its story corroborated in short order by TechCrunch on Sunday, along with 9to5Mac.

The new color option was described to AllThingsD as an “elegant” gold tone. “Think champagne, not ingot,” a source said, confirming what not seems to be some spot-on speculation from iMore last week. Sources say that the gold iPhone will feature a white face, with a gold-tone back plate and chamfered edging.

Why the new color option now?

As others have noted, gold tones are among the easiest colors to anodize, so technologically it’s an easy option to offer. It adds a bit of flash to an otherwise staid color palette that hasn’t changed in a number of years. It’s an obvious differentiator between the current iPhone 5 and whatever its successor ends up being called.”

I don’t know about you but there is no way Jose that I am not purchasing this iPhone. To not do so would just be wrong.

A gold phone for the golden years. Can’t you visualize Apple marketing the juice out of this color choice playing the theme music from Goldfinger? Ha!

Oh yes, this slow Monday has just gotten a little more exciting.

Will you buy a gold phone? And if not, what’s wrong with you? Ha!

Also, could someone please tell me what the S stands for in iPhone 5S? Could it be $ – as suggested by my son-in-law?

[VIDEO] Check Out The New Apple Ad For FaceTime Video Calling

I love Apple TV advertising. The “music box-like” texture of the background music is an Apple signature. It is instantly identifiable.

I am not joking when I say that Apple should copyright the sound . Other companies and franchises have tried to hop on Apple’s bandwagon and recreate the same effect. Oh Apple, you are truly the leader in marketing. Truly.

Here is the latest ad for FaceTime’s video calling feature. You can also see it on YouTube as well as Apple’s website.

Apple has become very aggressive with their commercials lately, honing in on the many exciting features available in their iOS and OS X ecosystem.

And, with September just around the corner, iOS 7 will make its debut appearance with many more exciting treats in store for the Apple aficionado.

[VIDEO] Jobs: Steve Jobs Riveting Film Trailer. Film Set To Debut In Theatres Soon

20130802-125708.jpgBoy of boy this movie looks so good. August 16th – the release date – cannot come soon enough.

And, I must add that the casting of Ashton Kutcher in the role of of Steve Jobs and Josh Gad as Steve Wozniak was inspired.

Both actors have embodied the look and spirit of The Steves and render strong, credible performances in this much-anticipated film about one of the greatest inventors of our time.

The 2013 American biographical drama film primarily focuses on the life of Steve Jobs, from 1971 to 2000, although Josh Gad did mention on Jay Leno’s show that Steve Jobs’ death is addressed in the film, although I am not totally sure what he means; he never expanded on his statement.

Directed by Joshua Michael Stern, written by Matt Whiteley, and produced by Mark Hulme,
Jobs was chosen to close the 2013 Sundance Film Festival.

It will be released to theaters on August 16, 2013 and, for me, this date cannot come fast enough. Although, a huge part of me wants to watch it via Apple TV or on my iPad! That would be truly iconic, no?

Have a glimpse at the trailer below – it really looks like a well-formulated and thought provoking movie.