Category Archives: RIP

Steve Jobs: Your Time Is Limited So Don’t Waste It Living Someone Else’s Life

It seems only fitting that, on the first anniversary of Steve Jobs’ death, I draw attention to this portion of his Stanford University Speech.

By now, this speech is legendary and most probably will be one of the most significant speeches ever given throughout history.

However, the above video focuses on Steve Jobs’ thoughts about death. It is inspiring, it is courageous and it is indelibly memorable.

It will resonate with you for the rest of your life and, if taken wisely and seriously, may impact the direction of your personal and professional decisions from hereon in.

Steve Jobs was a genius; however, more than that, he possessed incredible insight and intuition that allowed him to touch the hearts and minds of all who came to know him.

Today is a day when we should focus on all the exciting advancements we have come to enjoy because of Steve Jobs’ passion for arts and technology.

As a musician, his life’s work has touched my life in a significant manner.

Special thanks to 1digitalfingerprint for once again drawing my attention to this video.

Our hearts and our prayers go out to Steve Jobs’ wife, Laurene, his children and family members.

R.I.P. Steve. You are missed but feel consoled that you have left Apple in capable and wise hands.

October 5th, 2012 Marks The First Anniversary Of Steve Jobs’ Passing

Today marks the First Anniversary of the death of Steven Paul Jobs, internationally known as technology wizard and visionary, Steve Jobs.

The Radio, TV and Internet news media have inundated the tech community with stories galore about Steve Jobs and many new articles and anecdotes have surfaced as a result of this.

One of my favorite articles is from Forbes.Com. This news release captures interesting, new insight into the quirky, genius mind of Steve Jobs.. It is a great read and I strongly urge you to indulge yourself by reading it.

It is difficult for me to put into words just how much Steve Jobs and Apple have impacted my life.

Before Apple, I was, of course, a Microsoft customer and, as much as I enjoyed the whole browsing/email experience, I basically deduced that all computers were purely functional, incredibly uninteresting and beyond intimidating. And, therefore, that was that! What’s a girl to do?

Well, like any gal, I like to shop, so one day – June 2009 – I decided to visit my local Future Shop ( we do not have an Apple Store where I live) and check out the new 24″ iMac. There was a lot of buzz about this new computer and I was curious to see why.

Long story short – ninety minutes later I was the new owner of the last iMac on the shelf. In fact, it was the store demo and I honestly didn’t care. It had been on the shelf for a day so, truly, it was barely used. All I knew was that I wanted this computer in my house pronto.

What instantly fascinated me was the artistic sensibility of this beautiful machine. My Windows PC and laptop looked boring and tired compared to this meticulously designed computer and, since it had my name on it, I had to have it.

I am a musician, who always loved to incorporate visual aspects into my performances and, now, with my new iMac, I was introduced to a whole new stage.

This was important since, at this stage in my life, I was looking to semi-retire and move on to…what?

Well, the “what” quickly became a distant memory, as I filled my days blogging, learning and consuming everything that technology had to offer. This blog is a result of my Apple discovery.

I like to think that, somewhere, as I type this article on my iPad, that Steve Jobs is smiling down at all the Apple geeks in the world. He created a Disney World – like experience for all of us with his passion for innovative, colourful and seamless technology.

Rest In Peace, Steve. And thanks for the memories past and yet to come.