Monthly Archives: May 2014

Incredible Video Message: Smart Phones And Dumb People


The video below was was written, directed and produced by Gary Turk. It is absolutely riveting. Riveting.

It is a profound commentary on the powerful draw of social media, resulting in complete detachment from the life around you.

According to Gary Turk’s YouTube Channel, he had this to say:

“‘Look Up’ is a lesson taught to us through a love story, in a world where we continue to find ways to make it easier for us to connect with one another, but always results in us spending more time alone.”

This video is a “must-watch”. It’s message remains with you long after the video is over.

As much as I love to “geek” along with all of you, it is absolutely liberating to get out of the house and interact in a REAL way with those around you.

As Gary Turk says – “Smart phones, dumb people”. Do you want this label? Not me.

Watch. Do you agree with the message? Are you a captive of technology or a willing, but discretionary, participant?