How To Gain Control Of Your Facebook Privacy Settings

I haven’t posted in a while but this article pushed all the right buttons, making me want to share this with anyone who listens.

Mashable.Com published a great article addressing how one can fully master the ever-changing Facebook Privacy Settings.

I don’t know about you but I have become increasingly frustrated with Facebook’s ever-evolving platform. It has been more than confusing – it is frustrating. And it compromises many of our existing Privacy Settings.

The article focuses on all the key privacy issues that pertain to us – like Photos, Followers, Timeline, Tagging, Apps ( I rarely login to Facebook via an App – just saying…), Likes etc. you name it – it’s there.

It is a cohesive and detailed summary so you need to set aside a quiet block of time for yourself to absorb the article and make the suggested changes.

However, isn’t your privacy worth the time and effort? Mine sure is. And remember, the ultimate privacy option is to simply post nothing at all. No pictures, no status updates nothing. But, there is no fun in that is there? Just be careful!

That being said – please join my Facebook Page. I may not know everything about the technological revolution, but, together, we can try to make sense of this exciting era in innovation.

Posted on July 10, 2013, in How-To Articles, Technology and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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